Attendees- Jonathan, Nick, Emily, Amy, Gina, Jason, Justin, Rachel, Don, Travis, Manny, JP, Collin, JP, Dana, James, Victor, Ali, Daniel, Nicholas
Trail maintenance- We will meet for trail maintenance at 9am on Saturday 12th, April at the Millican Reserve.
Millican Reserve- We can now do night rides at the Millican Reserve. Also, they are working on approving a format for signs.
Upcoming Events- KAGS NBC will be filming us ride on Tuesday 7 April at 4.30pm at the Millican Reserve.
Millican Reserve have organized a photographer to take pictures of us riding on Thursday and Friday evening (9th and 10th April).
A Millican Reserve Farmers Market will take place on Sunday the 27th April. We will have a booth and lead some rides.
Social Rides- We will continue to ride Lake Bryan at 6pm on a Tuesdays and Millican at the same time on a Wednesday. Members are advised to check the listserv before rides in case of venue changes.