Trail maintenance-Trail maintenance will take place at Saturday the 6th September at Lake Bryan. We will start at 8am. We will focus on the East Loop. There are some downed trees that need a chainsaw. Some local Boy Scouts will join us.
Social rides- Social rides will be moved to 6.00 pm. We will ride at Millican on Tuesday nights and Lake Bryan on Thursdays.
Camping trips- Gina is organizing dates for two weekend camping trip this Fall. We will go to Dinosaur Valley on the weekend of the 17th to 19th October. We will go to Colorado Bend SP on either the weekend of the 15th or 22nd November.
Millican Reserve- Club members will meet with our friends from the Millican Reserve and representatives from local running groups in the next month or so. We discuss shared use of the trail system.
Summer time trial series- We have just finished a highly successful time trial series. We had record turnouts and lots of fun. Thanks so much for timing Joel.
Expenditure- A motion to reimburse James $259.73 for repairs and new blades for his brush tractor was approved. This brush tractor is used extensively for building and maintaining trails.