Gina, Josh (New), Michael (New), Jessica (New), James M., Collin C., Justin F., Mike R., JP, Travis P., Joel R., John F., Boone F., Garbriel Hernadez (New), Martha M (from TAMU), Jonathan
It was great to see some new faces at this month meeting, welcome to BVMA!
Congratulations to Mike and Joel who competed in the Miles of Discomfort race a couple of weeks ago. Mike came 4th. Overall for the TMBRA Marathon Series Mike came 2nd and Joel came 5th in the 40-49 age group. Very impressive!
Several club members competed at the Dirty Dozen race at Warda last weekend (2nd Feb). Boone competed in the Aggieland Procycling Race team and they won the open 3-4 person open category. Victor, JP, and John competed in the highly competitive masters 3-4 person category and came 4th out of 13 teams. James, Justin, and Collin also competed in this category and came 10th out of 13. Travis and Jonathan competed in the 2 man open category and came 4th out of 6 teams. And last but certainly not least Kim and Ali volunteered recording laps for the solo riders for over 12 hours. Some solid performances but above all we had a great time on a beautiful day!
Team Jerseys
Several people expressed interest in a new run of re-designed BVMBA jerseys. John Flynn kindly offered for What’s the Buzz Coffee to provide some sponsorship to offset the cost of the jerseys. All we need now is a new design….
Trail Maintenance
Great news! BTU have indicated that the West Side of the lake may be open in March. However, it is important to stress until then the West Loop is strictly off limits. Getting this trail into a useable state will take a lot of work (maybe a good Big Event project).
The work list for this week’s trail maintenance session is finishing off painting the signs, removing a fallen tree limb on Loop-de-Loop, and rough cutting the Octopus. As usual we will meet the Saturday following the club meeting (9th Feb) at 8am in the Ice House parking lot.
Martha Muckleroy who runs the TAMU mountain biking classes kindly came to present a proposal for new metal signs at the lake. These would be provided by CC Creations at a cost of $500 and would include trail names and arrows to make it easier for people to navigate the trail system. TAMU and possibly the Ice House management would contribute to the cost. There was considerable discussion regarding the best way to provide signage and concern was raised over having several different styles of signs at the lake. In the end there was a consensus that more signs are needed, these should be put up as soon as possible, the existing trail section signs should be left in place, and the new signs should use the same color scheme as the existing ones. The committee will look into options for funding this project.
Time trial
There will be no time trial for the week of Valentine’s Day as many club members will be riding at the Lajitas Desert Fest! After this the time trial will start at the later time of 7pm.
Lajitas Desert Fest
12 club members are signed up to ride in Lajitas next week! This will be a record turn out! If you have not signed up and want to ride, then it may not be too late. Get registered for it and camping on-line then check the list-serve for Joel’s master plan for the trip!