J-P shared with the adventures of the Colorado Bend camping weekend. If you missed the meeting, you can catch up via Mike’s written account.
Trail Maintenance
will be this Saturday at 8am. The WEST side is currently caked in poison ivy. If you are coming out to help be sure to wear long pants/sleeves. The powerline stretch has very high grass and a large crack running along it that is large enough for 2″ tires to get caught in. If you are choosing to ride the west side, please ride with caution until we get another path mowed.
The club will be renting a Bush Hog to mow this weekend. If I know James, he will probably be pushing that thing at least 23 of the 24 hours we have it for – so feel free to bring him some Lemonade or something…. Thanks James!
The A&M Consolidated High School team
brought some serious hardware to show off at the meeting:
So to the AMCHS Team, Thank you for sharing your success with us, inspiring us, and for riding your hearts out. See you on the trails!
2012 Summer TT
The delightful Collin Clark family has volunteered to run our Summer Time Trials. Collin is already on top of things, putting together a promotional video:
and picking out the course:
The start will either be at the top of the switchbacks, or back at BMX (depending on how much shade our volunteer timers will need as it gets hotter out). The finish will be UP these same switchbacks. Get the schedule on your calendar!