Mike and I had the oppurtunity to travel to Comfort this weekend to compete in the final race of the 2012-13 TMBRA Marathon Series. On the drive we saw the result of a volcano erupting.

After a few miles of warming up we join all the participants for the full marathon at the starting line. The whistle blows and we’re off. It was drizzling at the start line and drizzled for about an hour into the race. These condition would make the rocky terrain slippery. Not exactly what we we wanted. On the positive side we both have experienced this type of riding condition and knew we would have to be focused and cautious on the rocks.
That’s exactly what Mike did. Focus and cautious riding placed Mike 4th place with a time of 4hrs and 30 minutes. I rolled in slightly later with at time for 6hrs and 58 minutes for the 52 mile race
For those of you that haven’t had a chance to ride at Comfort they are some of the smoothest and fastest single track, gnarly rocky sections with some 2000 ft of total elevation gain for the 26 miles of single track/jeep road trails. Get there and ride when you have a chance.
Series Overall 40-49 Age Group Standings:

A Short Video of the Upper Loop!!
What’s next for the BVMBA’ers:
Some of our fine riders will be at the Terra Firma Dirty Dozen Race on Feb. 2 and then some of us will be travelling to the Chihuahuan Desert Bike Fest in Lajitas, Tx for 3 days of riding in the Desert on Feb.14-16.